Sunday, January 01, 2006

Life Is Just Like That

Sometimes life is just a drag. Been here for almost half a year is indeed challenging. How to turn this into opportunities? They used to say. Little, as I can see it. Maybe jauh dimata dekat dihati as the peribahasa goes. The further we are apart, the heart grows fonder and this at times can help, especially when we have just passed our silver jubilee.
No way! I rather be side by side and accept whatever consequences. I thought whatever little time we had together the other week will give me an extra after burn to propel me into the coming weeks. But alas, after three days, I began missing d'isteri. Missing you.... Been trying to push myself through this dreadful winter day and try to do some work. Managed to do some bits on my paper which is due on the 6th. Got it printed and will go through in the next couple of days.
At times I began thinking..what is it for me? Being away from home and family? What has Almighty lined up for me? Pray and seeking guidance from Almighty is the only solace. Again knowing you alone, doing the household chores and ensuring Adik's wellbeing is heart wrenching. But then, life is just like that.. The challenges? Either take the bull by the horn or manoeuvre around them. The separation, just like days, has to have the beginning, the middle and the end!! At the end of it, we shall look back and say, "I have done it and got round it", with great satisfaction. The price? Leave it to the Almighty. I guess, what is important is to continue the days with hard work, positive attitude, whilst continuously seeking guidance. Life is just like that!! Goodbye 2005, as I shall continue to look on the bright side, into the days of 2006.


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