Wednesday, February 01, 2006


This is the bed that I slept on the last two nights. Nothing special; just like any other beds in our own hospital. The room though is very large, just like a junior suite in a hotel. The room is furnished with a full set of sofas, TV, fridge and, get this - a "food warmer"; just like the one we bought from Peter Justessen when we were in Moscow.
It was Monday 30, when the pain in my lower back was getting unbearable. The simple task of putting on my underpants and socks were difficult. I then decided to seek medical attention at the PAF hospital, which is very near our campus. The doctor on duty, after consultation with the specialist, decided to keep me for observation. I was warded at the Officers' Ward VIP Room 2 (VIP - probably meant "very ill patient"). Later I was sent to the radiologist to get an x-ray of my lower back. I also had several physiotherapy sessions to soothe my back.
During the first day, my urine and blood samples were taken (not sure what that has got to do with my back pain). The doctor came round and told me that x-ray result has shown that I have no other injury apart from muscle spasm. It was a relief. But he said I had to stay for at least two days for rest and further observation. That night I had my first taste of hospital food. No surprises though as it was no different with the one we got daily at the Officers' Mess. Picture on the right showed my first meal. As usual chapati, with an oily curry dish called chota gosh (mutton) and sago dana (sweet dish). I was given 12 hourly injections (pain-killers) which actually managed to alleviate my back pain. But at the same time it created pain in both my arms!!.
The medical orderlies are all males (disappointment!!). I saw few nurses, but I think they are all restricted to female and gynecological wards (this is Pakistan). Nevertheless, they are very friendly and kept me comfortable throughout my stay at the hospital. The picture shows the doctor (to my left) and medical orderlies that attended to my needs. The doctor apparently has a few family members that had settled down in Malaysia. I was finally discharged on Wednesday, at 8 pm after this breakfast. Roti bakar , fried egg, jam and butter, with a steaming cup of tea. I bid farewell to the staff who has taken good care of me throughout my stay and making my stay very comfortable. Thank you also to all my friends and colleagues who came round to visit and to cheer me up. You are all wonderful. I finally collected these pack of medicines that will last me for the next 7 days and head home. The pain in my back has gone but I know few days in the lecture hall will give me pain in my head!!


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