Sunday, January 29, 2006

Low Back Sprain

My Dear,
The last day at Peshawar, I had some spare time. I decided to visit the hotel gym to use the treadmill and weights. Beside the gym there is a badminton court and by chance I saw the gym minder with two rackets. He offered me a chance to play and we played a game. Towards the end of the game when he was leading 13 to 12, I tried to retrieve his drop shot (Malaysia boleh spirit). Then the unthinkable happened...., I sprained my lower back. Then I was not sure whether it was a result of overstretching or tearing of the soft tissue. Yesterday, after several hours of sitting in the bus, the sprain got worsened and now I am feeling the agony. Today, at Pak Halim's house, I borrowed his hot water bottle and a tube of deep healing rub. If it got worse tonight, I plan to visit the clinic tomorrow.

Looks like I am going to miss my jogging routine for at least a week. Will try to compensate with light exercises. Anyway no bed rest for me as I think prolonged bed rest can lead to a loss of muscle strength, and may in fact make muscles stiffer, adding to pain and discomfort.
Thinking of you...


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